Welcome to the At the Top page

About us

The At the Top project seeks to engage with everyday people with the compelling message of Jesus Christ. Our Radio Spots are made with 96FIVE Brisbane Aust, and our reels can be found on Facebook. To find the latest, like our Facebook page.

Our Story

A 15 year journey
The At the Top project started in North Qld in 2009, with the Nth Qld Uniting Church seeking to help people find life at the top.
With Paul Clark moving to Brisbane in 2012, he partnered with 96Five FM to continue to deliver life changing messages to people across Australia

The At the Top Book

The first 100 At the Top spots are available in the book, "Living Life at the Top. 100 Reflections on abundant Life." Only a limited number of copies are left. If you are interested - send us an email - $15 including postage.

Who is Paul Clark?

The At the Top project is a partnership between 96Five FM, the Uniting Church in Qld, and the At the Top Guy, Paul Clark. Paul is a Pastor, author of 20 books including the Carpark Parables Series, Puppeteer, Husband and Father. He's passionate about finding new ways to tell the Old Story. He's only too happy to hear your feedback and answer your questions.